
Safeguarding information

At Appletree Gardens, safeguarding our learning community is always our priority and we drive a safeguarding culture that recognises 'it could happen here.' Our curriculum, our BLOSSOM code and our environment have been designed to ensure we prioritise all aspects of safeguarding. All of the staff at Appletree are trained to ensure safeguarding is 'everyone's responsibility'. We have a Designated Safeguarding lead which is headteacher, Helen Bruce and four deputy safeguarding leads. These are outlined on our poster below and on posters in and around school. The Designated Safeguarding lead should be contacted in the first instance if you have any safeguarding concerns. If this is not possible please contact a deputy safeguarding lead.
Leaders are trained in safer recruitment to ensure safeguarding remains our top priority and we undertake all the necessary checks prior to appointing staff. Safeguarding training is an essential and regular part of staff training and development in order to keep safety in  prominent place as 'everyone's responsibility'.
We follow Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 which can be found here:

Child Protection

As a school, we follow our safeguarding and child protection policy (see PDF below) in order to follow our statutory duties. All staff must report any concerns they have about a child and not see these as insignificant. Staff will not assume a colleague or another professional will take action and share the concern. On occasions, a referral to Children’s Services is justified by a single incident such as an injury or disclosure of abuse. More often however, concerns accumulate over a period of time and are evidenced by building up a picture over time; this is particularly true in cases of emotional abuse and neglect. In these circumstances, staff record and pass on concerns in accordance with this policy to allow the Designated Safeguarding Lead to build up a picture and access support for the child at the earliest opportunity.

All concerns, discussions and decisions made, and the reasons for those decisions will be recorded in writing on the school’s CPOMS system ( this is an online system to monitor safeguarding, well-being and pastoral issues.)

Early Help

Early Help is an organised early intervention to provide support around the child and their family as soon as a problem emerges and at any point in a child’s life. If Early Help is appropriate, our DSLs will work with other agencies including Early Help staff in setting up an inter-agency assessment, as appropriate.

Staff may be required to support other agencies and professionals in an Early Help assessment and, in some cases, where education is the fundamental factor, act as the lead practitioner. Early help assessments will be kept under review and referred to Children’s Social Care for assessment if the child’s situation does not appear to be improving or is getting worse.

More detailed information can be found here North Tyneside Early Help information

Online Safety

This is such a huge part of pupil life so we have another tab under key information dedicated to online safety. This is also where you will find our online safety policy.

Operation Encompass

We are an ‘Operation Encompass’ school Operation Encompass operates in all police forces across England. It helps police and schools work together to provide emotional and practical help to children. The system ensures that when police are called to an incident of domestic abuse, where there are children in the household who have experienced the domestic incident, the police should inform the key adult (usually the designated safeguarding lead) in school before the child or children arrive at school the following day. This ensures that the school has up to date relevant information about the child’s circumstances and can enable immediate support to be put in place, according to the child’s needs.

Operation Encompass Website


Children are vulnerable to extremist ideology and radicalisation. Similar to protecting children from other forms of harms and abuse, protecting children from this risk is part of our safeguarding approach.

The impact of the pandemic, social isolation and a rise in hateful extremism online is creating a situation which is making more young people vulnerable to radicalisation and other forms of grooming.

Prevent is a preventative programme, delivered locally by teachers, healthcare practitioners, social workers, the police, charities, and religious leaders. It places protection around people vulnerable to radicalisation, stopping them from being drawn into terrorism – regardless of the ideology.

Parents, friends and families can also get specialist support to stop their loved ones being drawn into harmful activities or groups, with the launch of ACT Early – a new dedicated safeguarding website and advice line from the specialists at Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP).

If you are worried that someone you know is being radicalised, visit http://www.actearly.uk/

For help and advice visitwww.actearly.uk, or call the national Police Prevent Advice Line on 0800 011 3764, in confidence, and specially trained Prevent officers will listen carefully to your concerns.

Prevent Duty DfE guidance



We know good attendance supports pupils to feel happy and safe and that lack of attendance could be linked to a safeguarding issue. Please click on this attendance link to take you to our attendance tab and our policy and procedure.



We are proud of the high expectations we have of behaviour at Appletree. Our whole school approach to understanding and approaching behaviour and supporting children to thrive ensures school remains a happy and safe learning community. Please read our Behaviour policy (below)


We are delighted to share with you our Children's Safeguarding policy which has been written with our Safeguarding support at Clennell, our Designated Safeguarding team and our BLOSSOM buddies. We have shared this in our values assembly to ensure our pupils understand how to keep themselves and other safe.
Our Safeguarding Curriculum
We know pupils grow their learning best when they are happy and safe. That is why 'I am happy and safe' is at the heart of our curriculum and it is woven into our daily life, our ethos and throughout our environment. Here are some of the ways we grow pupil understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe.