

Spring 1, 2022.
Reception go to Forest School every week on a Wednesday. Each week the children build on from previous skills and develop relationships with nature, peers and the wider world. 
Summer 1, 2022. The children have been learning about the coastline, near and far. The children started learning about Mary Anning who couldn't go to school. She would take herself off to the coast and walk and collect items. One day, she started to notice what she was finding on the beach. It turned out to be a plesiosaur! She found fossils. Miss Tucker brought in a collection of Ammonites to show the children before we headed outside. The children gained so much from touching them, discussing their size, weight and patterns. During our sessions the children have used our natural fallen treasures to make an Ammonite and Plesiosaur. The children were really engaged and took their time. I think they look great!
Summer 2 in Forest School is magical! The children have loved taking their Coastal topic into our Forest School. The opportunities for learning are endless! This week the children had the opportunity to make a lighthouse using art supplies and bark from the forest floor. They visited St Mary's Lighthouse which is white so we made our neighbour lighthouse (Souter).